Three-legged Dog Jumps in River to Save Baby Otter

Gus is a Goldendoodle who lives in Minnesota. He had a cancerous tumor removed last year, and this year doctors found more cancer and amputated his leg in February. Gus hasn't been swimming since he lost his leg, and his people were afraid he'd never swim again. But on Easter Sunday, Gus suddenly jumped into the St. Croix River! He swam about 50 feet out and came back with a baby river otter in his mouth, which he deposited at his family's feet.

The otter was taken to the Wildlife Rehabilitaton Center of Minnesota, where the pup was given round-the-clock care. They said the otter was too young to be in the river, and was dangerously close to death. However, after a couple of days, the otter was doing much better. You can see a video of the baby feeding at Facebook. Gus, as you can tell, is a good boy. -via Fark ā€‹

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