
Feral Cat Fosters Bobcat Kitten​Millstone Wildlife Center in New Hampshire was presented with a 6-week old female bobcat kitten that had been abandoned by her mother. She was much too young to be left alone, yet the wildlife center did not want her to be habituated to humans, in order that she could be returned to the wild eventually. They contacted nearby Spicy Cats, a shelter that rehabilitates feral cats. Spicy Cats has a cat named Honeybun who is quite maternal- she had already fostered several abandoned kittens, but never a wild cat. Would she take in a kitten from a different species? See the moment Honeybun was introduced to the bobcat kitten. So much purring! Honeybun was able to calm the frightened, heartbroken kitten and give her the grooming and cuddles she needs. Watch a video of the kitten chewing on Honeybun's ear. The plans are to leave the bobcat kitten at the cat shelter until she is old enough, then pair her with other bobcats at the wildlife center to learn how to be a bobcat. Eventually, she will be released back into the wild. Honeybun may find a new home as well. -via The Dodo​(Image credit: Spicy Cats)#bobcat #cat #fostermother #interspeciesadoption
Heartbroken Mother Dog Adopts Kittens​Sunshine Dog Rescue in Phoenix picked up a pregnant stray dog that was living at a gas station in Arizona. Milo gave birth to a litter, but the puppies were premature and all died. She was quite heartbroken, until Anita Osa, director of the organization, arranged for three kittens to give her comfort. Milo took right to the kittens, sweeping away her toys to make room for them.