Seal Invades Home, Traumatizes Cat

One summer, my family tried a prototype for a cat door, and ended up having to evict an opossum that took up residence in the laundry room. Where you live decides what wildlife you are literally opening the door for. A young New Zealand fur seal made its way into a family home in Mt. Maunganui, New Zealand. Jenn Ross arrived home from the gym at about 7AM Wednesday and found the seal in her house. She assumed it followed their cat Coco through two cat flaps to get inside. The seal wandered down the hall and stayed in a spare room while Jenn called wildlife authorities. The seal stayed in the house for a couple of hours, hanging out on the couch, before Ross was able to usher it outside. Yes, she woke the kids to come meet the invader. Phil Ross, coincidentally a marine biologist, was not at home during the incident.

“The big joke is that this is really the only family emergency where it would be useful to have a marine biologist in the house,” he said. “I really missed my time to shine.”

Coco the cat was later found at a neighbor's house. She was taken home, but since Wednesday has refused to go downstairs where the seal was. You can see a video of the seal at the Guardian. -via reddit 

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