Richey Goes from Street Cat to Boat Captain

Chris Poole, also known as Cat Man Chris, became well-known through his cats Cole and Marmalade and is an advocate for stray, feral, ad homeless cats. He made friends with a stray that turned out to have been abandoned when his family moved away. With a lot of patience and catnip, Poole worked up to the easiest "getting a cat into the carrier" moment I've ever seen.

The cat, eventually named Richey, was adopted by Kiley and her parents, Lori and Jason. Jason said since they talked him into a cat, he was going to get a boat. You can see a video of Richey exploring the boat for the first time here. That was a year and a half ago, and the whole family, Richey included, now takes boat trips all over. You can follow their adventures at YouTube or Facebook

#cat #rescue #boat

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