Katmai National Park's Fat Bear Cams are Back!

In the fall, we enjoy Fat Bear Week, a tournament featuring the bears of Katmai National Park and Preserve, to crown the fattest bear. It's a good thing, as the weight they put on during the summer will keep them alive during winter hibernation. The Alaskan park has turned the cameras on as of today, so you can see where the bears begin on their weight-gain journey. As they slowly emerge from hibernation, they are at their skinniest. Soon, the salmon will run and it's party time for hungry bears and their cubs.

Some of these bears will put on hundreds of pounds before Fat Bear Week. And many of them have gained internet fame for their eating abilities. Viewers have already spotted Grazer, also known as bear 128, with her two cubs. You can watch the bear cams any time at Explore. They are often trained on Brooks Falls, where the salmon will soon appear.

(Image credit: National Park Service

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