Cats Learning to Make Biscuits

I told a story where I mentioned my cat was making biscuits, and my brother said, "I've never heard that term before, but I instantly knew what you meant." If you have a cat, you know how they knead something with their paws when they are self-soothing. Why do they do it? It appears they are practicing their baking skills. Jim Walsh's cat Mackenzie gets a little help from a baking show.

Here's another cat watching the same tutorial.

My cats show no interest in cooking shows. They think they are already masters of the art of making biscuits. As for why cats exhibit this behavior, there are quite a few theories, like scent marking, fluffing up a nest, reliving their nursing experience as kittens, and just showing content. There could well be more than one reason a cat makes biscuits. It works for them. And the biscuits are good. -via Laughing Squid 

(Top image credit: Couch-scratching-cats)

#cat #makingbiscuits #kneading

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