Cat Rescued from Wall After a Bathroom Remodel

Ashlin Hadden went on a business trip for several days, and arranged for her bathroom to be remodeled while she was gone. She took her two sons to stay with their dad, but left her two cats, Stripes and Cookie, in the house with an automatic feeder. When she returned, she found her bathroom finished, and her cat Cookie acting anxious. But where was Stripes? She could hear him, but where was he?

Hadden got a cutting tool from the neighbors, but then was afraid she might hurt the cat. So she punched her hand through the drywall! Stripes came out after being trapped for three days. He was taken to the vet and was given IV fluids, and afterward was pronounced physically fit. But Stripes, who had been prone to hiding in odd places, is now more human-centered, and stays close to Hadden and her sons since his frightening adventure in drywall. -via Fark 

#cat #rescue #drywall

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