Bohemian Catsody: Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody, but with Cats

The British-based rock band Queen is known for their dramatic, anthemic, and inspiring songs that never get old through generations. The band was able to create a masterpiece with opera and rock harmonizing beautifully together. The Queen classic Bohemian Rhapsody bagged multiple awards and is still a hit today.

Shirley Șerban shares on YouTube a parody of the song but it’s all about cats. And just like Queens, cats are royalty. The song purrfectly describes cats' interaction with their human servants and what goes around their daily life. Freddie Mercury, who was a cat lover, would surely love this.

Image: Shirley Șerban via Youtube

#BohemianRhapsody #Queen #Cats #ShirleySerban

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