
Bull Survived Being Swept Along a Flooded River for 50 Miles and Going over a WaterfallThis bull definitely showed its bullheadedness to survive.Earlier last month in New Zealand, the South Island area was hit by the worst flash flood in 80 years. Tony Peacock’s farm was no exception. The massive dump of water caught him by surprise and he had no time to relocate his stock to a higher ground. And just like that, Peacock realized that his bulls were gone.He never thought he’d see them again until one week later, he got a call notifying him that one of his bulls had been found on the riverbank at Westport, some 80 kilometers away. The bull had apparently somehow survived a 10-meter drop at the Maruia Falls. When he was found, his ear tag helped identify him.Now the bull is back home with Peacock, who said he is retiring him and giving him a name.Image: Tony Peacock#bull #flood #NewZealand #waterfall
Watch This Bear Comically Slip Down a Waterfall Trying to Catch a Fish​Hunting is not an easy task, and especially not for this bear captured on camera by the National Park Service. While giving its all hunting fish, this bear misses and comically slips, falling from the lip of the waterfall all while another bear nonchalantly takes its spot. Just another day at the park.Ooooh. Bearly missed. Hey, at least you gave it your all. You go bear. You know, fishing isn’t always about the fish you catch, it’s more about the memories you make along the journey. Something like that. Or is it “when one bear slides off the falls, another fishing spot opens up?” Seems more appropriate. This has been your daily inspirational moment. Go forth and have a good one.#bear #waterfall #parks #fishing #falling Video: National Park Service