
Famous Writers Have the Best Names for PetsI'm sure you're aware of the link between creativity and a love for animals. It seems that almost all famous authors had a beloved poet, or many of them. Ernest Hemingway adored cats, and the descendants of his six-toed cat Snow White still live at the Hemingway Home in Key West. Creative authors tended to give their pets unique names, too, worthy of a list.Mark Twain had many cats, up to 19 at once, and named them, among other things, “Abner, Motley, Stray Kit, Fraulein, Lazy, Buffalo Bill, Soapy Sal, Cleveland, Satan (found on the way to church)—who was renamed Sin when Twain realized she was a girl—Famine, Pestilence, Sour Mash (said to be his favorite cat who “had many noble and engaging qualities, but at bottom she was not refined, and cared little or nothing for theology and the arts”), Appollinaris, Zoroaster, Blatherskite, Babylon, Bones, Belchazar, Genesis, Deuteronomy, Germania, Bambino, Ananda, Annanci, Socrates, Sackcloth, Ashes, Tammany, Sinbad, Danbury, and Billiards (there is a photo of Twain tucking a kitten into the corner pocket of a pool table so it might entertain itself with the billiard balls).” Why? Apparently it was “to practice the children in large and difficult pronunciation.”If you're looking for a name for your cat, dog, or other pet, you might do well to take inspiration from Twain, Camus, Maurice Sendak, George Orwell, John Green, and other famous authors who gave their pets very creative names. Read about them at Lithub. -via Strange Company #name #petname #author