
What Feline Affection Looks LikeHow do you know if a cat likes you? Well, all cats are different, just like people, and they tend to develop their own distinct habits for showing affection. There are signs that cat experts have concluded show a cat likes you. But generally speaking, if a cat goes out of its way to be close to you, you've make a good impression. If a cat craves touching you, especially if they've already been fed or have received a back scratch, you must be special. But that's not really what you are looking for, right? You came here to watch a compilation of cute cats showing affection to their humans, to get a good dose of endorphins to make your day brighter. You've come to the right place! #cat #catbehavior #cataffection
How to Stop Your Cat from Waking You Up at 4AMCats don't see any reason to keep up with the tight schedules humans observe. They sleep when they want to, play when they want to, and stare at you judgmentally when they want to. A cat sees no reason why you should sleep so many hours in a row when you should be taking cat naps instead. Yeah, cats can adjust to a human's schedule, but many will lose their patience and demand their human's attention very early in the morning. Why is that? It's very possible that you have taught the cat to wake you up early by giving it what it wants. If you get up and feed your cat at 4AM, hoping to go back to sleep for another couple of hours, the cat has learned that such behavior will be rewarded. Ignoring the cat in order to un-teach that lesson may take a few difficult mornings, but it will eventually be worth the effort. If a learned response is not the problem, you'll need to find out what is causing your cat to wake you up early. There are three common reasons: they are hungry, they don't have a routine, or they aren't using up enough energy in the daytime. An article at The Conversation goes through the reasons why these things will cause an early wake up, and what you can do about them. -via Fark#cat #catbehavior #cattraining
Munchkin Cat Rearranges Toys Every NightWhen you really observe them, you'll find that all house cats have hobbies. I have a cat who collects chopsticks. Batman is a munchkin cat with a serious stuffed toy obsession. But he isn't hoarding them; he takes them to his human, Christine, to show his love! That's endearing, but it's only the beginning of the qualities that make Batman an adorable cat beyond his looks. Batman's story goes to show that every feline has its own personality and quirks that can be quite entertaining. A cat doesn't have to have a unique look or a tragic story or a super power to bring joy to the internet. #cat #toy #catbehavior
How to Deal with a Psychopathic CatA while back, we posted a test to determine whether your cat is a psychopath. This is tricky, since many of the behaviors that are normal for a cat in the wild appear downright nefarious for a household pet. You might think your cat hates you, but it's really just a matter of millions of years of evolution versus how civilized humans want to live. In other words, it's nothing personal. Still, if your cat drives you crazy yowling in the night, scratching up the furniture, tripping you as you walk by, or fighting with the neighborhood pets, there are a few things you can do. Cats are trainable, although it takes patience and persistence, and it's better to start the training with a kitten. Lifehacker has some valuable tips on how to turn your cat from a psycho into a pussy. -Thanks, WTM!#cat #training #catbehavior
8 Odd Cat Behaviors ExplainedA cat's behavior can seem strange to us only because we aren't cats. They see the world from a totally different perspective, and what they do makes perfect sense in a feline world. Why do cats follow us around? Why do they hate a closed door? And most importantly, where did that "blep" come from?