
In Colorado: Bears Removed from TreesIt's that time of the year again when bears are spotted in populated areas as they look for something to eat in preparation for their hibernation. It seems that this year is no different in Colorado.On September 16, the Colorado State University Police and Safety warned people not to go near the north end of the Colorado State University Oval because of a bear resting on a tree.Wildlife officers immediately went to the scene, tranquilized the bear, and safely removed the bear from the scene. Students cheered and clapped as the bear was removed.Some two weeks later, on October 4, another bear was spotted on a tree, this time at W. Elmhurst Place and W. Friend Place, Jefferson County. The area was blocked off until authorities arrived. Staff from Colorado Parks and Wildlife, West Metro Fire, and the Jefferson County's Office worked together and removed the bear from the tree. The bear was estimated to be about seven years old.It is said that bears need to consume up to 20,000 calories a day in preparation for their long winter slumber.(Image Credit: John Holsten via CBS News)#Bears #BearSightings #Colorado #BearsonTrees
Baby Bear Plays with SnowflakesI’m thinking about getting one of these front door cameras for my house. In addition to security issues, it could help me record adorable baby animals playing in my front yard.Do we have bears in my thoroughly suburban Texas neighborhood? No, but we do have snapping turtles and copperhead snakes. Perhaps I could catch one of those playing in our decennary snow storms, as one Ring user caught this baby bear.Mama bear is task-focused, but baby bear wants to play. As the snow falls, he stands up on his hind feet to catch the flakes.-via Born in Space#snow #bears