Zoo Hand-Rears Four Flamingo Chicks

ā€‹Whipsnade Zoo in Bedfordshire is the largest zoo in the UK, covering more than 600 acres because they give their more than 3,600 animals the room they need. Visitors can drive through. They also have many conservation projects to help endangered species. This includes American flamingos (Phoenicopterus ruber). To provide genetic diversity for their flock, they imported eggs from the Chester Zoo, which they hatched in their "bird nursery" and now have four flamingo chicks to hand-rear. Feeding these chicks what their natural mother would provide is not easy, but a dedicated staff puts their hearts into it. These baby birds are white because they haven't yet started to eat shrimp, which turns a flamingo's feathers pink. The chicks will be gradually introduced to the flock when they are around two months old. Read more about the Whipsnade Zoo's flamingo program at Zooborns.

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