Wildlife Rehabilitation Sometimes Involves Dress-Up

The video is not a furry performance, it's just another day on the job at the Richmond Wildlife Center. Executive Director Melissa Stanley is feeding a tiny fox kit while wearing a fox mask. It's part of their scheme to keep wild animals from imprinting on humans so that they can be released into the wild later, if at all possible.

This kit was brought in on February 29, at less than a day old. The female kit was found on a city street in Richmond, Virginia. A good Samaritan thought it was a kitten and took the kit to the local ASPCA shelter. The shelter determined it was a fox, and transferred the kit to the wildlife center. The center believes the kit must have fallen out of a trap, or off the trapper's truck. While caring for the kit, the staff tries to minimize human contact, which includes wearing gloves, no talking, and even wearing a fox mask. Notice that the kit is sitting on top of a fox plush toy, in an effort to keep her experience as natural as possible.

The center reached out and has located another wildlife center that has fox kits of about the same age, and they have decided to transfer the infant kit to AERO in Northern Virginia so she can be around other foxes. This will help her learn who she is and will better equip the kit to survive and reproduce in the wild. This kit will not be forgotten, though. Her short time at the center has brought them a viral video, global news coverage, and much-needed donations. -via Boing Boingā€‹

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