When a Bunny Gets the Binkies

This slow-motion video shows a rabbit doing some sort of aerial dance. He leaps, he twists, and he kicks -all at once! Is he suffering from some sort of neurological deficit? Is he having a seizure? Is it a mating dance? Or is he just a talented bunny showing off his moves?

Those who know rabbits assure us that it is none of the above. This is called a binky, and it's a good thing.

A rabbit will binky when it feels really happy or excited. Binkying looks like a large jump in the air while the rabbit slightly twists its body and head at the same time. A binky can also look like a sharp flick of its head accompanied by a small ear wiggle. A rabbit that feels safe and secure in its home is more likely to binky around.

Hmm, now I'm not really sure whether "binky" is a noun or a verb, because it is used as both. Now that you know nothing is wrong, you can watch the video again and just enjoy nature's marshmallow being a happy bunny. The bad news is that you cannot train a rabbit to binky. They just do it when they feel like it. So be good to your bunnies. -via Fark ā€‹

#rabbit #bunny #binky

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