Squirrel Chooses Man’s Truck as Its Favorite Stocking Place for Thousands of Walnuts

Once every two years, Bill Fischer’s truck is always filled with yellow-husked black walnuts. A red squirrel is to be blamed for this hoarding of walnuts as it prepares its food supplies for the colder months.

Studies show that red squirrels choose different hiding places for each kind of food to maximize retrieval and minimize losses. In this case, Fischer’s truck was chosen for the squirrel’s walnuts, and it is very consistent even if the truck was parked farther from the walnut tree.

“The squirrel set a record,” Fischer said. “Most I’ve ever pulled out was four or five six-gallon buckets. This year [2021] was seven.”

It might be a hassle for Fischer, but he said to The Washington Post, “With all the time taking the fenders off, what can you do but still laugh? Life is too short not to laugh about it.”

#squirrel #redsquirrel #walnut #truck

Image: Bill Fischer

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