How Many Tricks Can a Guinea Pig Do?

We are impressed when a dog learns a complicated sequence of tricks for an agility competition or freestyle dancing. But Coco is a guinea pig that will give them a run for the money! The above video is an audition tape of sorts that Coco's owner, Gwen Ford, submitted for the title of Trick Dog Champion through the site Do More With Your Dog. Coco has won several titles there, as the competition is not limited to dogs.

But now Coco is a Guinness World Record holder! The Abyssinian guinea pig from North Carolina broke the record for the most tricks performed by a guinea pig in a minute, at 16 tricks. Since Coco knows about 70 tricks, he and Ford worked out a couple of dozen that could be done quickly in sequence for the world record stunt. Ford cautions guinea pig owners that it's the rare pig who wants to cooperate in learning tricks, and Coco is just exceptional. -via Boing Boing ā€‹

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