Greedy Hamster Caught Stealing Food Had the Perfect Expression

Hamsters love eating, and we also love seeing them doing so. They are obviously excited when food is served to them, with their passions going high when it comes to their favorite food. It even comes to the point that they try to get everything for themselves, and it is adorably funny to see their reactions when caught.

Japanese Twitter user @senpai_hamu shared a photo showing one of their three hamsters red-cheeked, resembling that of a caught pesky little thief. This particular furball was getting greedy that moment, chunking the treats of its other hamster friends.

The sneaky hamster’s inflated cheeks show no sign of regret in its attempt. Hilarious as it is, we cannot be really angry while looking at its adorable red balloon state while showing off its victory harvest.

Image: @senpai_hamu

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