Fluffy Cat Turns Into a Sprinter

Have you ever met a cat who loved to run just for the fun of running? The life story of a Siberian forest cat named Rackarkatten is a joyous romp in nature. She lives in Sweden with Magnus Luntrun, and is enjoying every minute. Knowing how much his cat loved to run when they were at their country home, Magnus began racing with her. Rackarkatten always wins, although you get the idea that she's not doing it to be competitive, but rather for the joy of running at maximum speed. Rackarkatten was an indoor city cat during the week, and really let loose on their trips to the country house. Her joy in the outdoors inspired the family to move to the countryside permanently. At age 15, she appears years younger, which shows us the value of regular exercise. You can keep up with the adventures of Rackarkatten at Instagram. -via Laughing Squid ā€‹

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