Emily the Curlew's Anger Management Issues

Emily is a curlew, a type of bird that exists all over the world, but only in Australia does it try to kill you. In that, Emily is carrying on a long tradition. Television host, zookeeper, and third-generation crocodile hunter Robert Irwin worked with Emily to get her to stop attacking him.

This hilarious little character is a completely wild curlew that lives on one of our conservation reserves in the remote Aussie outback. She’s not guarding a nest, doesn’t have a mate to defend - she’s just got A LOT of attitude!  

We don't know what Emily is saying, but you can bet it's rude, crude, and would be NSFW in English. There may be more to come with this series, but I have my doubts about whether Emily will ever become a friendly bird. You can follow Irwin at Instagram. -via Boing Boing 

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