Couple Driving Through the Spanish Mountainside Adopted an Abandoned Dog After They Noticed She was Chasing Their Car

A couple traveling through the Spanish mountainside noticed a small Shorkie chasing their car. Martina Russo told Southwest News Service (SWNS) that they thought it was just a game but later realized that something was off when the dog continued to run fast in the middle of nowhere.

They gave the dog water and brought her to the nearest village. However, no one claimed ownership of the dog. They continued their search through online platforms and by asking local passers-by. No one came forward as weeks went by.

The couple also tried to put the dog back in the road to see if it knew where to walk back home, but the dog still chased their car.

Russo and her partner Fil decided to adopt the dog. They made the right decision! The Shorkie was very sweet and funny and very playful. She loves everything and everyone, especially cats and kids.

All Images: SWNS

#Shorkie #AbandonedDog #AnimalRescue

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